VT Cica Mild Cleansing Oil


VT Cica Mild Cleansing Oil is enriched with VT’s exclusive ingredient Cicahyalon™ containing triple hyaluronic acid to strengthen skin’s moisture barrier and centella asiatica extract to calm dry skin. In addition, 5-Alpha-Avocuta T gently melts away sebum and impurities without stripping the skin of moisture.

  • Contains 5 Alpha Avocuta T which removes excess sebum and impurities.
  • Quick and effective cleansing and makeup-removing with plant-derived oil ingredients.
  • Forms a hydrating layer after cleansing to prevent dryness.

(Size 295 ml)

How to use:

Dispense a proper amount and gently massage on dry skin in a rolling motion. Add water to the skin to melt away the makeup and massage again. Rinse off completely with lukewarm water.